Well, hello, you romantic student! And welcome to another post to learn to speak Spanish in a real way. In this post, we are going to learn how to express your love in different ways in Spanish. Not only how to say “I love you” (you can check this post to find out about this).
You know that we in Latinoamerica are very very very affectionated. Very touchy-feelys. That’s why we have plenty of ways to express love. And we want to show you how to express your love in Spanish.
Spanish names you can use for your lover
Ok, let’s start with the classic ones. “Amor, mi amor, amorcito”. This means “love”, “my love”, “little love”. “Bebé”. This means “baby”. “Cariño”. This literally means affection, but you can translate as “sweetie”. “Cielo/ mi cielo”, means “sky/ my sky”. “Corazón” (this one is very used in Argentina, and it’s used either with lovers, family, or friends). Corazón means “heart”. “Vida / mi vida”. Means “Life / my life”. And finally: “mi rey, mi reina, mi reine“. My king, my queen, my drag queen/king?
Did you pay attention to the possessive article “mi” (my)? Yes, that is romantic love applied to language. All these terms are used, generally, between couples or people with a lot of confidence. We are not talking about how to say “pretty, handsome” or how to tell someone that we like him/her/they. These words imply a certain degree of commitment.
Curious names that you can use with your lover
Ok, until here we saw the classic. Let’s start with the ridiculous ones. For example, in Argentina, many people use both the word “gordo (fat)” and the word “flaco (skinny)” and its derivatives (flaca, flaquita, flaquito, flaqui) to speak to their partners. Also “cosita” (little thing). And “negro, negra, negri, negrita, negrito” (black, blackie). One that I particularly love is “Churro, churra, churrita, churrite”. Do you know “churros”? The sweetest thing in the world! Especially in Argentina, where we eat them with dulce de leche inside.
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