How to say Merry Christmas in Spanish

How to say Happy Christmas in Spanish

Hola, amigues! Do you know how to say Merry Christmas in Spanish? In this article you’ll learn that and so much more! Follow me, don’t be shy!

Why learn Merry Christmas in Spanish?


Learning Spanish means learning its own unique way of communicating. Therefore, we get into its modisms, grammar, references, everything that comes in handy! In other words, what we do when we learn Spanish is an immersion. Imagine taking a nice bath in your washroom and letting every thought sink deep in your body. That’s what learning a language is all about: deep connections between the new culture and yourself.

Hence, this is the importance of learning how to say Happy Christmas in Spanish. We could be travelling or talking to a new friend from Latin America and it’s polite greeting them for the holidays. Also, besides proper manners, I find it extremely nice when someone cares about my own language and tries to connect with me through something as simple and cheerful as “Merry Christmas!”. 

Merry Christmas in Spanish: a quick guide

It doesn’t matter if it’s cold as a snowball or hotter than Hell, in December we celebrate Christmas worldwide. How are you going to celebrate it? With your family? Your loved ones? Perhaps someone new? Try not to be all by yourself, or enjoy some holiday movies with popcorn and a lovely meal. One of the best movies of all times for me is Home Alone, it’s hilarious!

But if you’re in a whole different continent? With everyone speaking Spanish? Wouldn’t you try to say Merry Christmas in Spanish? Come, it’s super fun! In Spanish we say “Feliz Navidad” when we mean “Happy Christmas” or “Merry Christmas”. Furthermore, I’m gonna give you some tips on this matter:

  • There are tons of ways of saying the same thing, as you can imagine, but the concept is the same: we honour the life of Jesus Christ, it’s Nativity (in Latin this means “birth”). 
  • If you feel adventurous, you can say “Mis mejores deseos para Navidad y Año Nuevo” (My best wishes for Christmas and the New Year), “Este año te deseo amor, dinero y salud” (This year I wish you love, money and good health), “Mucho cariño para tu familia esta Navidad” (Lots of love to your family this Christmas), “Que se cumplan tus sueños” (May your dreams come true).
  • Some people feel really emotional and say something like: “Que en esta Navidad el mejor regalo que recibas sea estar junto a tus seres queridos compartiendo paz, esperanza y alegría.” (I hope that in Christmas your best present would be to be close to your loved ones sharing peace, hope and joy.”).
  • If you’re more into the religious vibe, you can add a “Que Dios te bendiga” (God bless you) to all the previous wishes.

If you are looking for a more in-depth information on learning Spanish click here to read more about the fast and efficient ways to master Spanish language.

How to Say Merry Christmas in Spanish (FAQ)

It’s easy! In Spanish we say “¡Feliz Navidad!” or if we’re talking about the holidays we say “¡Felices fiestas!”.

To study Spanish

Learning how to say Merry Christmas in Spanish is easy if you try, right? Keep on expanding your mind with our free Spanish lessons at Wanderlust Spanish Online. Also, check our Instagram to enjoy our Tuesdays of Spanish grammar, your new favourite social media account!

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