Learn Spanish with podcast

How to learn Spanish with podcast

Yas, queen! Today we’re gonna learn Spanish with podcast. In case you don’t know what a podcast is, it’s a brand new format, very similar to radio, in which you can listen to people talking about different subjects. Wanna hear something about Latin American culture? Yeah, sure, we have that. Wanna know more about cooking? Absolutely. Here I gather some for you to learn Spanish with podcast!

JUNTAS Podcast


JUNTAS is a very brand new podcast, born in this recent quarantine. Three women (Anyela from Medellín, Kiara from Santa Marta and Diana from Ibagué, all from Colombia) discuss feminism and COVID-19. There are four episodes available on Spotify so you can listen, and they are super enriching. Even though they talk about serious issues (politics, bodies, womanhood), they express themselves in that Colombian smoothness we all love so much.

Besides, while you’re listening to it, you get involved in the dynamics of the feminist movement in Colombia. “JUNTAS” in Spanish means “Together”. What are you waiting for to learn Spanish with this podcast?

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Las Invitadas Podcast

Las Invitadas is a sensitive podcast about pop culture and poetry. Poetry? You may think it’s boring, right? With absolutely no doubt, Las Invitadas makes you feel part of the conversation Laura Camargo (Colombia) and Vera Grimmer (Argentina) are having. They talk about different topics (democracy, little kittens, death, the Internet) and also create special episodes about authors, such as Alejandra Pizarnik, José Sbarra, Idea Vilariño and Sylvia Plath. Last but no least, the sound operator of this podcast is Rodrigo Santa Cruz, also known as Roy Poirot, a promising indie pop musician.

Do not hesitate to spend a whole afternoon listening to Las Invitadas (The Invitees in English), you won’t regret it. 

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Orden de traslado Podcast

Ezequiel Zaidenwerg is an Argentine poet and translator who lives in the United States of America. He translates poems from English to Spanish and in Orden de traslado you will find amazing texts by amazing authors (I mean, Patti Smith for God’s sake!) read out loud by writers from all over the world: Lucas Brockenshire, Adrián Agosta, Paula Ilabaca, María del Mar Ramón, and so much more!

Who said that poetry wasn’t cool was out of their mind. Please, sit back, relax and enjoy Orden de traslado.

Epistolar Podcast

Diego Jemi and Tomás Sprei decided to gamble on one of the relics of modern times, nowadays so rusty and old fashioned: LETTERS. Yes, as the name recalls, Epistolar is all about letters. Talented artists such as Mauricio Kartun, Javier Calamaro, María Creuza, Luciano Cáceres, Antonella Costa (and more!) read letters by Rainer Maria Rilke, Agustín Lara, Marylin Monroe, César Vallejo. By the way, the original score music is composed by Leandro Lombardo and José Ferrufino. What a better way to learn Spanish with podcast than this, right?

Learn Spanish Online

OK amigues, so now between your work hours or in your lunchtime or while you are walking around the city, you can enjoy these awesome podcasts and while you’re at it, you can learn some Spanish, too! But hey, if you want to broaden your Spanish horizons, you know where to call: Wanderlust Spanish Online!

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

- Rich

Wanderlust Spanish

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

- Rich