Plans to Celebrate Friendship Day in Buenos Aires

Friendship day in Buenos Aires

Friendship Day in Buenos Aires is a big deal, and there are countless ways to celebrate with your closest pals. The city comes alive with events and activities that make it the perfect backdrop for creating unforgettable memories. Here are some exciting plans to consider for celebrating Friendship Day in Buenos Aires:

Picnic in the parks to celebrate Friendship Day in Buenos Aires


Buenos Aires is home to numerous beautiful parks like Palermo Woods and Bosques de Palermo. Grab a blanket, some snacks, and a few bottles of wine for a relaxing picnic with your friends. Enjoy the fresh air, play some games, and soak in the vibrant atmosphere. These parks are perfect spots for a leisurely afternoon filled with laughter, great conversation, and perhaps a spontaneous game of fútbol.

Cafe hopping to enjoy friendship day in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires boasts a fantastic café culture. Spend the day hopping from one charming café to another, trying different coffees, pastries, and enjoying great conversations. Places like Café Tortoni or La Biela are perfect spots to start your café adventure. Don’t forget to try the famous medialunas (Argentinian croissants) with your coffee, a staple of any local café experience.

Attend a tango show on friendship Day in Buenos Aires

Tango is an integral part of Buenos Aires culture. Celebrate Friendship Day by attending a tango show with your friends. Experience the passion and elegance of this traditional dance at venues like El Querandí or Café de los Angelitos. Some shows even offer dinner options, making for an evening full of entertainment, culture, and delicious food.

Explore San Telmo market for friendship day in Buenos Aires

San Telmo Market is a must-visit, especially on Sundays. Wander through the stalls, find unique souvenirs, and enjoy street performances. It’s a great way to spend the day with friends while exploring the local culture. The vibrant energy of the market, combined with the eclectic mix of antiques, crafts, and food stalls, ensures there’s something for everyone.

Dinner at a parrilla to celebrate friendship day in Buenos Aires

No celebration in Buenos Aires is complete without indulging in some Argentine cuisine. Head to a traditional parrilla (steakhouse) like Don Julio or La Brigada for a mouthwatering meal. Share a delicious asado (barbecue) and toast to your friendship with some Malbec wine. The communal aspect of an asado, with its shared plates and relaxed atmosphere, perfectly complements the spirit of Friendship Day.

Night out in Palermo for friendship Day in Buenos Aires

Palermo is the go-to neighborhood for nightlife. Start your evening with some craft cocktails at trendy bars like Florería Atlántico or Isabel, then hit the dance floors at popular clubs like Niceto Club or Crobar. Dance the night away and celebrate your friendship in style. Palermo’s vibrant nightlife scene, with its diverse range of bars, clubs, and live music venues, offers something for every taste and ensures an unforgettable night out.

Take a boat ride in Tigre on Friendship Day in Buenos Aires

For a more serene experience, take a boat ride in the Tigre Delta. Just a short trip from Buenos Aires, Tigre offers a peaceful retreat with its network of rivers and lush greenery. Rent a boat and spend the day navigating the waterways, enjoying the natural beauty, and perhaps stopping at a riverside restaurant for lunch. It’s a perfect way to unwind and appreciate the tranquility of nature with your friends.

Visit the museums on Friendship Day in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is rich in cultural heritage, and its museums are a testament to that. Spend the day exploring museums like the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes or the MALBA (Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires). Discovering the city’s art and history can be an enriching way to bond with friends, sparking meaningful conversations and shared insights.

Take a cooking class together

Engage in a fun and interactive experience by taking a cooking class together. Learn how to make traditional Argentine dishes like empanadas, milanesas, and of course, the perfect steak. Many classes also include a wine-tasting segment, where you can learn about and sample some of Argentina’s finest wines. It’s a delicious and educational way to spend time together.

Join a local festival or event on Friendship Day in Buenos Aires

Check out local event listings for festivals or special events happening on Friendship Day. Buenos Aires often hosts a variety of cultural festivals, concerts, and community events. Attending these can provide a unique and lively way to celebrate the day, immersing yourself in the local culture and festivities.

Friendship Day in Buenos Aires is all about spending quality time with the people you care about most. Whether you’re exploring the city’s parks, indulging in delicious food, or dancing the night away, Buenos Aires offers countless opportunities to make this Friendship Day truly special. Make the most of this vibrant city and create lasting memories with your friends on this special day.

Celebrate Friendship Day with Wanderlust Spanish School

Celebrate Friendship Day in Buenos Aires with Wanderlust Spanish School! Join us for a day filled with exciting activities designed to strengthen your bonds and create unforgettable memories. From group excursions to the city’s best attractions to special language workshops and fun social events, you’ll have the chance to explore Buenos Aires, practice your Spanish, and connect with fellow students. 

Enjoy the vibrant culture of Argentina while celebrating the joy of friendship with your Wanderlust family. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make new friends and have a fantastic time in one of the most lively cities in the world!

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

- Rich

Wanderlust Spanish

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

- Rich