Your guide to Learn Spanish in Buenos Aires

learn spanish buenos aires

Welcome to this guide to learn Spanish in Buenos Aires, a city that beckons travelers from all corners of the globe with its rich cultural tapestry and, of course, the enchanting sounds of Spanish. In this guide, we’ll take you on a journey through the vibrant streets of Buenos Aires, offering insights into how you can embark on a Spanish learning adventure while exploring the city’s captivating culture. Our compass for this journey? None other than Wanderlust Spanish School, a hub for language enthusiasts and cultural explorers alike.

Morning – A Cultural Breakfast in San Telmo


As the sun gently rises over the cobblestone streets of San Telmo, Buenos Aires awakens to a new day of exploration and learning. Nestled in this picturesque neighborhood, I find my starting point—an inviting hostel where travelers from all corners of the world gather. Here, I share my mornings with fellow adventurers, some drawn to the city for tango, others like me, eager to delve deeper into the culture through Spanish lessons at Wanderlust.

Learn Spanish in Buenos Aires – Wanderlust Spanish School in Buenos Aires

Wanderlust Spanish School is the heartbeat of my language experience in Buenos Aires. The school’s dedication to creating a dynamic and supportive environment is evident from day one. With a warm welcome from our teacher, Marta, a passionate Argentine linguist, the lessons become much more than a classroom experience. They are windows into the soul of Argentina.

Our classes begin at 9 a.m., and it’s not long before I’m engrossed in the magic of the Spanish language. Wanderlust’s curriculum is thoughtfully designed to fuse language learning with cultural insights. Marta’s teaching goes beyond textbooks; she brings the language to life with anecdotes, local expressions, and engaging discussions about Argentine customs and traditions. The school’s unique 11:30 a.m. break is when we share mate, a traditional Argentine herbal drink, and exchange stories, further solidifying the sense of community that makes Wanderlust truly exceptional.

Lunch – A Gastronomic Adventure

After a stimulating morning of lessons, I venture into the streets of Buenos Aires to put my new language skills to the test. One of the joys of learning Spanish here is the ability to order from street vendors and local cafes. I opt for a savory empanada, practicing my pronunciation while savoring the flavors of Argentina.

Having absorbed the morning’s Spanish lessons at Wanderlust Spanish School, I’m eager to immerse myself further in the local culture. Buenos Aires offers a gastronomic paradise, and I decide it’s the perfect opportunity to put my budding language skills to the test.

The city’s streets beckon with the tantalizing aromas of Argentine cuisine. As I stroll along the bustling sidewalks, I’m struck by the vivid colors and enticing displays of street vendors and charming local cafes. It’s a sensory overload of sights, sounds, and, of course, mouthwatering scents.

With newfound confidence in my Spanish, I approach a street vendor who’s expertly crafting empanadas. These savory pastries are an iconic part of Argentine cuisine, and I can’t resist the temptation. I order one filled with seasoned beef, cheese, and a hint of spicy chimichurri sauce—a true flavor explosion.

As I wait for my empanada, I engage in a bit of small talk with the vendor. We discuss the weather, the bustling city life, and even a bit about my language-learning journey. It’s a simple conversation, but it’s a significant step in building my confidence in using Spanish in real-life situations.

Afternoon – Cultural Enrichment to learn Spanish in Buenos Aires

The afternoon is a tapestry of cultural experiences. Today, I’m heading to the Malba Museum for a guided tour of Latin American contemporary art. The bilingual descriptions enhance my Spanish reading skills while allowing me to appreciate the region’s artistic contributions.

Later, I join fellow Wanderlust students for a tango class at a local milonga. Dancing tango is not only a joyful way to enhance my listening comprehension but also a chance to immerse myself in the rhythms and emotions of Argentina. Dancing is, after all, another form of language.

Evening – Conversations Over Dinner to learn Spanish in Buenos Aires

Evenings are for practicing what I’ve learned. Tonight, I’m dining with new Argentine friends I met at Wanderlust. We gather at a local restaurant to enjoy a parrillada, a traditional Argentine barbecue, accompanied by spirited conversations. It’s during these moments that I appreciate the value of Wanderlust’s warm and welcoming community.

Closing Thoughts – A Language Adventure in Buenos Aires

As the night sky blankets Buenos Aires, I return to my hostel, content and grateful for the enriching experiences of the day. Learning Spanish in this city has been an adventure of a lifetime, and Wanderlust Spanish School has been the guiding star. It’s not just about language; it’s about the fusion of culture, community, and exploration. So, if you’re considering Spanish lessons in Buenos Aires, remember that your journey here isn’t just about what you learn in class; it’s about the vibrant city that becomes your classroom, and the cultural experiences that become your lessons. Buenos Aires awaits, and with Wanderlust Spanish School, your adventure is bound to be extraordinary.

Wanderlust Spanish

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

- Rich

Wanderlust Spanish

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

- Rich