How to charge money in Argentina

money argentina

How to charge money in Argentina. Argentina’s blue dollar is back! This is the most important thing for budget conscious travelers to Argentina to be informed about. If you don’t know about the ‘Dólar Blue‘ read on because it can make a huge difference in how much you end up spending on your holliday to Argentina.

‘Blue Dollar’ is an euphemism for the black market exchange for US dollars. Exchanging currency on the black market is a legal grey area — it’s somewhat of a necessity for Argentine citizens and hugely beneficial for foreigners.But, travelers should be aware that USD, Euros and Brazilian Reales are the only three currencies in demand on the black market.Those planning to visit Argentina who want to exchange money on the black market will probably find it easiest to do so around the country with U.S. dollars. Before going to change money at a cueva, (as the underground exchange houses are known) look up the black market rate on a local website such as, which publishes it on their home page. Many of the exchange houses are on the downtown pedestrian thoroughfare of Florida Street, although they do exist in other areas of the city.While visitors will see legal storefront currency exchange houses around the city, their rates are usually similar to the bank rate, so few people use them.

How to charge money in Argentina:

Do not exchange your foreign currency to Argentine pesos before arriving in Argentina. Argentine pesos are a pariah currency and you will get a bad rate (if they even have Argentine pesos to sell, which is doubtful).

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