Riddles in Spanish

Hi, there! How are you? Today we will study some of the most popular Riddles in Spanish. And why is this important? By knowing riddles in Spanish, you’ll be able to get closer to the culture of Spanish countries, and also, riddles are an excellent way to exercise mind and lateral thinking. Let’s get started!

Actual translation of Riddles in Spanish


Firstly, let’s see that the word Riddle can be translated as “acertijo”; “enigma” o “adivinanza”. As you know, Riddles are commonly used to teach language to children but are also useful to remember some words in Spanish. And, sometimes, the answer is included in the sentence, but maybe in separated words.

So, let’s see some of the most popular riddles in Spanish:

Blanca por dentro (white inside),

verde por fuera (green on the outside).

Si no sabes (if you don’t know),

espera (wait)

Answer: la pera (the peer)

Un señor gordito (A chubby man),

muy coloradito (very red),

no toma café (doesn’t drink coffee),

siempre toma té (always drinks tea).

Answer: el tomate (the tomato)

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Oro parece, plata no es. (It looks like gold, is not silver)

Abran las cortinas, (open the curtains)

y verán lo que es. (and you will see what it is)

Answer: el plátano (the banana)

Lo come Pancracio, (Pancracio eats it)

está en el champán; (it’s in the champagne)

si piensas despacio (if you think slowly)

sabrás que es el…(you will know that is…)

Answer: el pan (the bread).

Difficult riddles

Secondly, Let’s raise the bar a bit!

Si la dejamos se pasa. Si la vendemos se pesa. (If we leave it, it passes. If we sell it, it is weighed.)

Answer: la uva (the grape)

Todos pasan y preguntan por mi, pero yo no paso ni pregunto por nadie. (Everyone passes by and asks for me, but I don’t pass or ask for anyone.)

Answer: la calle ( the street)


¿Qué hay entre playa y mar? (What is between beach and sea?)

Answer: la letra “y” (the word “and”)

So, this was all for today. Remember to contact us and schedule your trial lesson! See you soon!

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

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