Vilcabamba, the oldest town in the world.

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Hello, my Spanish students! Are you interested in knowing Latin American Culture? Here we will talk about Vilcabamba, the oldest town in the world. Because Wanderlust Spanish, your best Spanish school, will share with you all about our Latin American Culture

Latin American Culture


Vilcabamba is a town in Ecuador. In Quichua, this word means “Sacred Valley”. This city welcomes a high percentage of long-lived people who easily exceed 100 years of age. That’s why we say: “Vilcabamba, the oldest town in the world”.

In Ecuador, a small town hides the secret of longevity. Most of its inhabitants are over a hundred years old. Science has not yet discovered the cause. The so-called Valley of Longevity is a place in harmony with nature and where there is no stress of everyday life.

A large avenue named Eterna Juventud (Eternal youth) leads us to Vilcabamba. A unique place 50 kilometers south of Loja, the southernmost city in Ecuador. Its population does not exceed 3 800 people. Some are native. Others have come from the most dissimilar regions of the world.

And the decision is not fortuitous. It happens that this place located at 1,500 meters high and with a spring climate that averages 24 degrees Celsius all year round. Is known as “the country of the oldest old men”

The mild climate, its peaceful atmosphere, the healthy diet with fruits of the earth. And especially the water of the Chamba and Uchima rivers is what those who arrive here with different ailments are looking for.

Scientific studies show that the water in its springs contains magnesium and other minerals. So, consuming it would promote fat burning and prevent rheumatism.

The large number of long-lived people who live in Vilcabamba has constituted a magnet for the visit of hundreds of tourists and pilgrims from different parts of the world. They have arrived with different conditions, especially heart. Not surprisingly, Vilcabamba has been classified as “Island of immunity for heart disease”; “The country of the Oldest Old Men in the World”; “The Island of Longevity” or “World Center for Medical and Journalistic Curiosity”.

What to do in Vilcabamba

One of the best plans to do in Vilcabamba is to visit the surrounding nature. You can do it by hiking individually or in the company of an expert guide through places such as the mountains or the Podocarpus National Park. You can find maps with the trails that exist in the area in most accommodations. And of course, you cannot forget to take a walk through its streets to see its traditions and its rich architecture.

If you want to enjoy nature in a different way, it is recommended to rent a mountain bike in one of the places in the city. There you can also get a map with the appropriate places to use it. You can also go horseback riding for several hours and even several days to the Las Palmas rain forest, which is very popular with locals.

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Photo by Kishore Singh on

So, if you want to know more about the Ecuadorian culture don’t hesitate to contact us and take Spanish classes online.

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