Online Spanish lessons

Online Spanish lessons: in Wanderlust we want you to know the best Spanish school in Buenos Aires. But if you can’t come, we’ll show you our way to teach too. Learn Spanish in Buenos Aires is very useful and productive ‘cause you can instantly try your new skills with the language, just going out to the street, asking for a coffee, etc. But, if you’re not here, or if you came here and already left, Wanderlust offers you Online Spanish Lessons. And you’ll be able too to practice, ‘cause now a days, our cities tend to be multicultural, so there always international and expats meeting to go and practice your Spanish. We ‘ll work in the same way we work in the classroom, only a screen and thousands of kilometers will separate us. Skype Lessons have additional benefits.

The main one is, of course, that you can learn wherever you be. If you have to travel for any reason, lessons will not be suspended. If you take the Spanish lessons from your home, you can just put your pajamas and lessons start! Time difference is another benefit. Time is elastic and we can teach you in any time no matter in your country is night, morning or afternoon. As you don’t have to move from your house, job, or coworking space, you’ll be saving: transportation money and the time you’ll waste getting to the Spanish class if this were in the school.

Other good thing: you can learn Spanish from your laptop, your cell phone or any device with the appropriate programs. Sometimes writing is hard ‘cause now a days we lost the habit, because of all the technology advance. So in Skype you’ll can complete exercises by typing in the keyboard and it’s a little bit faster. Also you’will add that kind of writing to your skills with Spanish language so then you can text your friends in Spanish and motivate them to learn Spanish online too!

With online training there are no class schedules to meet. Online training offers people who work the flexibility to schedule their own learning time. Parents with young children, for example, find online training very beneficial because it allows them to study while staying at home raising them. On the other hand, workers can study at their own pace without disturbing their work schedules. One of the advantages of online education is the large number of possibilities. There is no need to attend a full Spanish course when you really only need a specific course on commercial Spanish, for example.

In Wanderlust we think that learning a new language has many advantages. But the one we like the most is to live without borders. In Latin America we speak the same language in almost all countries and that allows us to communicate more closely with the inhabitants of each place every time we embark on a new trip. We believe that knowing culture is a fundamental part of knowing the language that represents it. Therefore, learning Spanish, either in person or online, will open the door to a vast cultural world that does not exist only in countries where Spanish is the official language. Spanish expands throughout the world.

Then, until you decide to travel to Argentina, we wait for you in our online Spanish classes by Skype. And once you’re here, Wanderlust Spanish awaits you in Palermo to learn and learn about Buenos Aires culture at the same time.

Wanderlust Spanish

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

- Rich

Wanderlust Spanish

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

- Rich