Common phrases in Spanish

Hello, there! How are you? I’m sure you know how to say this in Spanish. Yes, you know! “¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?”. In this post, we will learn the most common phrases in Spanish. We want to give you a little help to communicate with the Latin American community wherever you were. Let’s get started!

We know that learn Spanish is not a smooth process. Spanish looks threatening because of the multiple conjugations and variety of verbal tenses. But things are not always as it looks like. Learn Spanish with phrases its a very good start to get to know the real Spanish (the one that people really speak).

Besides this post, you can go to our YouTube Channel and take a look at our other educational videos.

Common phrases in Spanish


Here you have the most common phrases in order to start a conversation in Spanish.

¡Hola!: This means “Hi!” and it’s the classic way to start a conversation. However, there are other ways to greet in the first moment.

¡Buenos días!

(Good morning!),

¡Buenas tardes!

(Good afternoon!),

¡Buenas noches!

(Good evening! / Good night!). The casual option is just say: “Buenas”.

Holi. “Holi” it’s a funny option to say hola. You can use it with friends, but it’s gonna sound weird if you use it in a store.

¿Cómo estás?: Yes, this means “How are you?”. This is the classic phrase. There are more casual ways to say the same. For example:

¿Qué tal?

Funny option: ¿qué talco? (word game between “tal” y “talco” -talcum, powder-)

¿Qué onda?

¿Todo bien?

Funny option: ¿Todo viento? (this one is used in Argentina and it’s a word game between the word “bien” and the word “viento”)

¿viento y bosnia? (this is the second part of the word game and it’s a word game between the word “vos” and the word “Bosnia”)

¿Qué hacés? (This literally means “What are you doing?”)

Funny option: ¿qué acelga? (word game between “hacés” y “acelga” -chard- )

Encantado de conocerte / Encantada de conocerte: This means “nice to meet you”. This sounds pretty formal and is not often used in casual conversations but in a formal context like jobs. However, you have an option to sound less formal.

Un gusto (means the same, nice to meet, please to meet you, but sounds less formal -and it’s shorter too!- )

Also, you can just say “Encantado” or “Encantada” and keep the same level of diplomacy.

Introduce yourself in Spanish with these sentences

Mi nombre es “insert your name here”: This means “my name is” but, as in English, we never say that! Ussually we say things like:

Me llamo “insert your name here”. “Llamarse” it’s the verb we use to say our names and it’s similar to the idea of being called (but called with a name , not called on the phone).

Soy “insert your name here”: Equal to “I’m ‘insert your name here’ “

¿Cuál es tu nombre?: Whats your name? This sounds super rare or sounds like you’re at school and your teacher wants to scold you. We say more like:

¿Como te llamas? (comes from the verb “llamarse” as we saw before).

¿De qué trabajás?: What’s your job? This question can sound a little too inquisitorial. The best way to ask about others is to say:

¿A qué te dedicás? (similar to What do you do for a living?)

¿Qué hacés de tu vida? (similar to What do you do for a living?)

¿Qué te gusta hacer? (for hobbies: what do you like to do?)

Common phrases to say goodbye in Spanish

¡Adiós!: This is the most common and formal way to say goodbye. But, you more casual options, as:

¡Hasta luego! (See you later!)

¡Hasta mañana! (See you tomorrow!)

¡Chau! (Bye!)

¡Nos vemos! (See you!)

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- Rich

Wanderlust Spanish

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

- Rich