Conversational Spanish: a quick guide

Conversational Spanish a quick guide

Hi folks! How are you doing? Today we’ll learn Conversational Spanish: a quick guide. Ready to talk like there’s no tomorrow? 1, 2, 3… GO!

Don’t cry for your Spanish

Conversational Spanish: an intro


What’s the best way to learn Spanish? Reading? Listening to music? Cold, cold… The best way to learn Spanish is to speak it. When you’re talking you can sail across the wide array of possibilities, an endless ocean of words, concepts and fantasy! Ok, maybe I got carried away, but that is the whole point of a conversation. We start with an introduction and then there’s no order, we just flow. Unless the talk is extremely boring or you don’t feel like talking (which, by the way, it’s totally ok). 

For that reason, conversational Spanish is the key to a new experience. Once you switch your mind to Spanish, everything will be easier. Now that you can feel more comfortable handling your own words, let’s take a look at some tips to improve your conversation skills, shall we? Keep on reading!

Speaking fluent Spanish and not getting embarrassed by it

Ok fellas, we know that talking in a foreign language can be hard. And scary. And dangerous. No sorry, just kidding! Maybe hard and scary. But do not worry! We are here to support you and give you some guidelines so you can speak Spanish like a pro.

  • Some conversation starters:

“¿Sabés qué hora es?” / “¿Tenés hora?” (Do you know what the time is?)

“¿Sabés dónde queda el / la [place]?” (Do you know where the [place] is?)

“¿Está ocupada esta silla?” (Is this seat taken?)

If you’re into astrology, you can ask people what their sign is. Perhaps you’ll find your cup of tea! (Or someone very angry…).

“¿De dónde sos / eres?” (Where are you from?)

“¿A qué te dedicás?” / “¿De qué trabajás?” (What do you do for a living?)

“¿Qué estudiás?” (What do you study?)

  • Questions for more deep conversations:

“¿Te gusta viajar?” (Do you like to travel?)

“¿Dónde creciste?” (Where did you grow up?)

“¿Te llevás bien con tus padres?” (Are you close to your parents?)

“¿Tenés una mascota?” (Do you have any pets?)

Just some conversational Spanish tips to wrap up

To sum up, you can talk about anything in the world. These questions are some tips, you can add more spice into your small talk (or big talk!) if you try some filler words like “¡Claro que sí! / ¡Por supuesto!” (Of course!), “En realidad…” (Actually…), “A ver…” (Let’s see…), “¿En serio?” (Really?), “O sea” (I mean). There are a thousand more, discover them!

Learn Spanish Online

Conversational Spanish: a quick guide

Hey, where are you going so fast? Keep on expanding your Spanish mind and try our free lessons at Wanderlust Spanish Online. Also, if you’re interested in more tips about our language, check our Instagram account because we host Thursdays of Latin American culture. Trust me, you’ll be thrilled, amigues!

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

- Rich