Days of the week in Spanish

days of the week in Spanish

Hello, Spanish Lovers. Today we will learn something very basic but also not so easy to remember. Why? Because they are seven. Seven days of the week in Spanish. Once you’ve learned them, you’ll have 7 very important and useful words in your vocabulary. Let’s get started!

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Where Days of the week in Spanish come from?


Firstly, let’s name them! Here they are:

  • Monday: Lunes
  • Tuesday: Martes
  • Wednesday: Miércoles
  • Thursday: Jueves
  • Friday: Viernes
  • Saturday: Sábado
  • Sunday: Domingo

Numbers in Spanish

Where these words come from? Well, as the Spanish language has a very important root in Latin and the Greco-Roman culture, days of the week were named as some of the heavenly bodies. The planets! And the moon! Take a look:

  • Lunes comes from Luna (Moon)
  • Martes comes from Martes (Mars)
  • Miércoles comes from Mercurio (Mercury)
  • Jueves comes from Júpiter (Jupiter, of course)
  • Viernes comes from Venus (Venus)
  • Besides, Sábado comes from Sabat (a Hebrew word to say ‘rest’) and Domingo comes from Dominus, which means Lord in Latin.

Days of the week, Singular, Plural, Gender

Pay attention here, please! All days are, of course, male nouns, because the word “día”(day) it’s a male noun. So, we say: el lunes, el martes, el miércoles, el jueves, el viernes, el sábado, el domingo.
Did you notice I didn’t use the capital letter at the beginning of the day? This it
because in Spanish, you don’t have to capitalize them (this happens too with
languages! I speak Spanish = Yo hablo español ).

And what about singular and plural? If you need to pluralize the days of the week, so you pluralize the article, like this: los martes voy a mi clase de español. In this case, this means that you go to Spanish class on Tuesdays. If you say: el martes voy a mi clase de español, so you’re talking about this particular Tuesday.

Ways to remember the days of the week in Spanish

  • Lunes: Listen to this song

  • Martes: Martes 13 it’s how we say Friday 13th in Spanish! We are afraid of Tuesday 13th, not of Friday 13th, have it in mind. So, we have this saying: Martes 13, no te cases ni te embarques (Tuesday 13th, don’t get married and don’t board a ship).

  • Miércoles: It’s the fancy word to don’t say the not-fancy word m-i-e-r-d…
    Jueves: Watch this movie!
  • Viernes: It’s the best day of the week, just remember it, please!

Okay, Spanish students, I hope you enjoyed this post about days of the week.
Remember you can get a trial class with us, just click here and start your journey into this beautiful and fun language. See you soon!

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Wanderlust Spanish

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

- Rich