So, welcome again to our love & Spanish post. Today we’ll learn how to say “I love you more” in many ways in Spanish. You’ll learn it in this post. Your best Spanish school will teach you! Keep reading!
How do you express your love in Spanish
The funny thing about Spanish is that we have many ways to express affection.
Actually, if you want to translate “I love you”, you will have to think about what kind of “I love you” you mean. To a friend? To a couple? To your grandmother?
Surely you have heard or seen movies in Spanish at some time. So, you’ve probably heard the words “Te amo”. This translation of “I love you” is the most used when we talk about romantic love, sentimental love, couple love.
You also have to know that there is another way to express “I love you”. This is “Te quiero”. “Te quiero” is the most used way to express affection with friends, family, and also with couples. So what is the difference between “Te quiero” and “Te amo”?
Socially, “Te amo” implies a greater commitment to this love. Whatever kind of bond it is. “Te quiero” is below “Te amo”.
As you know, in Spanish we don’t need to say the word “Yo” (English “I”) all the time, because the grammatical person is implied in the conjugation of the verb. I use grammatical words because I know you’re an expert in this.
So, that’s why there are many ways to say “I love you more”. You can choose between the short version: “Te amo más”. Or the extended one: “Yo te amo más“. You can´t change the order of the words and say “Yo más te amo ”. let’s say that the typical answer is just “Yo te amo más”.
If you want to emphasize your love, you can say “Yo te amo muchísimo más” or “Yo te amo mucho más”
How do you you say I love you too in Spanish

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