Things you have to know about Latin American feminism

Latin American feminism

Things are about to change around here, because we’re getting into an intense and excruciating journey: Latin American feminism. Does “lenguaje inclusivo” ring a bell to you? Maybe “aborto legal en el hospital”? If any of this sounds strange or maybe familiar, you should definitely keep on reading!

Some things about feminism


Let’s see what the fuss is all about. For me, feminism is a political movement that places women in the center of the equation. Many will say that is not something new, that women have their own place in the society… pure and absolute crap. Historically, women had (and have) to do chores related to their gender: cleaning the house, raising children, taking care of their families, and a long list of duties just for being women. We didn’t get to choose back in the day. Someone (the State, parents, couples, market and so on) chose for us. 

Feminism aims for the freedom of womanhood, straight to the point. Of course, it’s a very long way and there are as many ramifications as stars in the sky. The different waves of feminism struggle for different objectives: the right to vote, the right to work, to choose whoever they want to be. In a word, they struggled (struggle!) for power.

It is mischievous to even consider that feminism doesn’t involve a struggle for power. Maybe innocent, too. If feminism wants women to be the center of attention (and of our own lives) it’s because there’s historical oppression upon us. Centuries of violences doesn’t vanish from one day to another or disappear with magic and cool words. We must face it with the insistence of being alive, an existence that  more than half of the world would like to see gone. 

Latin America and feminism

So, what do women do in these hard times? They fight, I mean, we fight. If we want to see a difference in the world, we must make it happen. That kind of thought is the one that early feminists had and turned everything upside down. That’s the way to go, fellas! 

Thanks to the influence of European feminists (Simone de Beauvoir, for example) and the organization in unions from anarchists and socialists, women here in Latin America began to think collectively. Even some political parties started to have their feminist wing or the participation of women in politics, something that nowadays it’s extremely difficult to get. Why, oh why? Because we’re weak, we can’t take it… If we can bleed for 5 days every month without shedding a single tear and keep on working, I tell you something, the problem is not about strength. It’s about perspective: how we see reality.

What’s going on in Latin America?

Right now, the main struggle is for abortion. Most Latin American countries doesn’t have regulation on that matter and women are dying every single day. We can’t take it any more, we need an answer now. Because as Evita would say, when there’s need a need, a right is born… Well, Latin American Congressmen, you know what we need: Aborto legal, seguro y gratuito. (And a ton of things, but let’s start with that right this second!). 

Also, to talk in inclusive terms to recognize all the diversity of identities it’s important. Check this video to know more about it:

To finish up

I hope you enjoyed this lesson, I know it’s a lot of information, nevertheless, you can keep on exploring more on our Thursdays of Latin American culture! Or sign up for lessons at Wanderlust Spanish Online! Or listen to this song by Sara Hebe, so empowering and straight forward:

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

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