Sizzling Success: Mastering the Art of Veggie Asado with Argentine Flair

veggie asado

Who said asado is just for meat lovers? In Argentina, we believe that everyone deserves to savor the rich flavors and sizzling delights of a traditional asado, including our vegetarian friends. In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a mouthwatering veggie asado that captures the essence of Argentine cuisine. Get ready to fire up the grill, embrace the flavors of seasonal vegetables, and embark on a culinary journey that will tantalize your taste buds.

veggie asado
  1. Building a Veggie-Friendly Asado: The Essentials
    • Embracing the Grill: Discover how to adapt the traditional asado grill to accommodate vegetarian fare, ensuring even heat distribution and optimal cooking conditions.
    • Choosing the Right Vegetables: Learn about the best vegetables for grilling, such as bell peppers, eggplant, zucchini, onions, mushrooms, and corn, and explore the unique flavors they bring to the table.
  2. Preparing Vegetables for Grilling: Marinating and Seasoning Secrets
    • Infusing Flavor with Marinades: Explore marinades using ingredients like olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, and herbs to enhance the natural flavors of the vegetables.
    • Adding Depth with Seasonings: Experiment with a variety of spices, such as paprika, cumin, oregano, and chili flakes, to create a tantalizing flavor profile.
  3. Mastering the Grill: Techniques for Perfectly Grilled Vegetables
    • Preparing the Grill: Understand the importance of preheating the grill, oiling the grates, and maintaining consistent heat throughout the grilling process.
    • Achieving the Perfect Char: Learn how to achieve a smoky and caramelized exterior while maintaining the desired tenderness of the vegetables, flipping them at the right moment to avoid overcooking.
  4. Veggie Asado Delights: Beyond the Grill
    • Empanadas and More: Explore traditional Argentine empanadas filled with vegetarian options like cheese and onion, spinach and cheese, or roasted vegetables for a flavorful addition to your asado.
    • Chimichurri Love: Elevate your veggie asado with a tangy and herbaceous chimichurri sauce, using parsley, garlic, red pepper flakes, vinegar, and olive oil.
  5. Pairing Perfection: Sipping Argentine Wines with Your Veggie Asado
    • Discovering Wine Varietals: Explore Argentine wines that complement the flavors of your veggie asado, such as Torrontés, Malbec rosé, or Bonarda, for a well-rounded dining experience.
    • Sparkling Delights: Consider pairing your veggie asado with a refreshing glass of Argentine sparkling wine, such as Cava or Espumante, to add a touch of celebration to the meal.


Q: Are there any specific vegetables that work best for grilling? A: Yes, certain vegetables like bell peppers, eggplant, zucchini, and onions are great choices as they hold their shape, caramelize beautifully, and develop smoky flavors when grilled.

Q: How can I ensure the vegetables stay tender and not overly charred? A: To achieve the perfect balance, try grilling vegetables over medium heat and monitor their doneness closely. You can also partially pre-cook denser vegetables before grilling to ensure they cook evenly.

Q: What vegetarian alternatives can I include in an Argentine asado? A: Alongside grilled vegetables, you can incorporate vegetarian options like grilled halloumi cheese, tofu skewers, or homemade veggie burgers for a diverse and satisfying spread.

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

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