How to learn Spanish in Buenos Aires?


Hi, there! Are you looking for Spanish lessons in Buenos Aires? We have the best option for you! But, first, let’s see why Buenos Aires is one of the best places to learn Spanish.

How to learn Argentinian Spanish?

Buenos Aires is the best place to learn Spanish, do you want to know why? Let’s see:

  • It’s a super fun and multicultural city. People from all over Latin America live here. So you’ll be able to hear many accents besides ours.
  • Because it’s a super fun city, you’ll have the chance to meet a lot of people everywhere and every time. This is real, we have a saying “Buenos Aires no duerme”. It means “Buenos Aires never sleeps”.
  • We have many qualified teachers because as the capital of the country, most of the universities are based here.
  • Because we have a unique and unmistakable accent! A mix of Italian immigration and the influence of Tango in our lexical!

The best Spanish courses are based in Buenos Aires because the city offers you plenty of options in food, dance clubs, nature, sports, and cultural events, such as theater, films, music shows, and art.

What’s the difference between Argentinian Spanish and other “Spanishes”?

Firstly, we have to say that there is no ONE Argentinian Spanish. Argentina has 23 provinces, and there are differences between the different accents of the different regions in the country. However, the Argentinian we speak in Buenos Aires is the most known by no native people.

The main differences between Argentinian Spanish and the other “Spanishes” are:

  • We use “Vos” instead of “Tú” as a personal pronoun.
  • We conjugate as regular the irregular verbs in the second person of singular, for example: “tenés” instead of “tienes” (second person singular).
  • We pronounce as a “sh” the letters “y” and “ll”.
  • We have a cadency of ups and downs, similar to an Italian accent.
  • Our vocabulary includes lots of words in “Lunfardo” (that’s the name of our slang).

This is a list of songs you can listen to hear the Argentinian accent:

So, having said this, we invite you to take your trial lesson in Wanderlust and stay to learn Spanish in the best school in Buenos Aires!

Wanderlust Spanish

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

- Rich

Wanderlust Spanish

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

- Rich