Watch these amazing Argentinian Movies

Argentinian Movies

When it comes to cinema, Argentina is at the top of this industry. With a variety of genres and independent and mainstream films, Argentinian Movies are a very good option to learn Spanish. Would you like to see a list of the best Argentinian Movies? Let’s get started!

Argentinian Movies: Where can I watch them?

Firstly, let’s say that Argentina is plenty of cinemas. So, if you want to watch the newest movies, the traditional way is always an option. But, if you are a millennial, I want to tell you the best Argentinian Movies you can find online:

  1. Nueve Reinas (2001). This is a 24 hours story. Two scammers cross paths in the big city (Buenos Aires). During that day, they discovered an (illegal) business that could make them rich. They need to steal a serie of stamps known as “Las Nueve Reinas” (The Nine Queens). They just have a few hours to achieve that. And, remember, they are both scammers. This is a classical Argentinian Movie, the main actor is Ricardo Darín, he’s very famous in Argentina and Latin America. This movie also shows you how scammers work in the big city, all the time, whether you see them or not.
Argentinian Movies: Nueve Reinas
  1. El secreto de sus ojos (2009). An employee of the judiciary begins to write a story based on an old unsolved case of his. With a flashback to the darkest time in Argentine history (the 1976 dictatorship), this police drama will captivate you with its mystery, its rawness, and its realism. The realism of how far the human soul can go for love. Winner of the Oscar for best foreign film in 2010.
Argentinian Movies: El secreto de sus ojos
  1. La historia oficial (1985). Another winner of the Oscar for best foreign film in 1985. During the dictatorship, many kids in Argentina where kidnapped by the Army and given to another families. Alicia, a history teacher, housewife and mother of a 5 year old daughter, discovers a secret that reveals her not only about her husband but also about her nation and points of view. A heartbreaking, realistic and unique story, related to the struggle of the Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo. Iconic Human Rights organization in Argentina.
Argentinian Movies: La historia oficial

It is useful to watch movies while learning Spanish?

And the answer is… of course! It is more than useful! It’s necessary! Why? Because you will be catching not only one accent, but historical references, common jokes from this culture, images of the country. An idea of how we think through fiction.

Let’s continue with two more movies:

  1. El hombre de al lado (2009). Did you ever felt annoyed by a neighbor? If so, what bothers you the most? The noise? The strangeness you feel when they are close? The feeling that you are being observer all the time? This movie tells the story of one high class family who sees their apparently perfect atmosphere changed by the arrival of a new neighbor. It also talks about the prejudgments, the high-class vision of people, the fakeness and the solitude. One of the main actors is a very know comic named Daniel Araoz, don’t loose the oportunity to see him shine in this movie.
Argentinian Movies: El hombre de al lado
  1. Relatos Salvajes (2014). Relatos Salvajes is a six stories movie in one with the same topic: violence. It’s a dark humor movie and also a little bit of drama. The fascinating thing about this movie is how the violence starts for nothing: a little comment, an unexpected accident, or the show up of someone from the past. In this movie, you will be able to listen to the Argentinian accent and a little bit of slang. This movie won the San Sebastian International Film prize for best movie and the BAFTA award in Best Foreign Film. So, learn Spanish with Relatos Salvajes, but don’t get too violent!
Argentinian Movies: Relatos Salvajes

Let us know what your favorites Argentinian movies are in the comments! And follow us on Instagram for more Spanish tips. Don’t forget, you can have a free trial class of Spanish lessons in Buenos Aires or Online. Contact us!

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

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