Digital Nomads Buenos Aires

Digital Nomads Buenos Aires. Have you ever thought about living in a city that has Latin American and European characteristics at the same time? Buenos Aires is the city where the European world meets the Latin American land. It’s a city with two immense immigration waves. It has all the aroma and the Spanish and Italian atmosphere. And, at the same time, it maintains the “criollo” characteristics of the continent.

History of Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires was first founded in 1536. Since then, and thanks to the eclectic groups that have come to inhabit it, the city has become an incredibly seductive cosmopolitan area.

For digital nomads, it is a fantastic option, they can live their life in a quiet place, with a lot of nightlife and a lot of alternative cultures, and at the same time, they have workspaces to continue doing their daily activities.  Like a lot of South American cities, Buenos Aires is an incredibly affordable place to live. Some estimates put the cost of living for a single person at $449.99 without rent and $1053.99 while paying monthly rent on a 900 sq ft home in the expensive part of town. Food is also very attainable. You can get your average lunchtime order for about $5.49, or you and a friend can enjoy a three-course Italian meal and pay roughly $30 (that includes wine.) As digital nomads, you can set up your laptops in the prime office real estate of cafés. Once there, so long as you avoid tourist traps, you can enjoy all the delicious classics of Argentinian cuisine. That means empanadas, asados,  all kinds of pasta, and dulce de leche as dessert

Digital Nomads in Buenos Aires – Language

On the other hand, the language we speak in Buenos Aires is not the same as in other Latin American countries. Why? Our language is “Rioplatense” Spanish, with its own characteristics, and can be very different from the rest of the speaking countries. The verbal conjugations are a little bit different, the slang is different and the characteristics of the porteños are absolutely different.

And you? What are you waiting to come and meet us?

Wanderlust Spanish

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

- Rich

Wanderlust Spanish

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

- Rich