Does Mi Amor mean I love you?

Does Mi Amor mean I love you?

Oh l’ amour…So many things we call tell you about love, what comes to your mind? Anything in particular? In this article, we’ll answer together the question: Does Mi Amor mean I love you? Do you know that? I think you’ll be surprised! Keep on reading!

Spot the difference between love and not love


Uf, to actually learn the difference between love and not love there’s not enough time in the world. We would have to build a new one from the beginnings, I do believe so. Well, okay. Enough about jokes, let’s get this party started. 

In English we only have one word for love. In Spanish we have “amar” and “querer”. They’re not the same thing. If we translate them in English, we would say the same thing: “I love my friends”, “I love my partner”. BUT! Beware of this: the concept is not the same. Alright, we can love everything, the sky is the limit for love. (Other things too, however, that’s for another post!). “Amar” is overwhelming, whereas “querer” is more soft. You can say “Te quiero” to your friends, your colleagues, but when you say “Te amo” is all or nothing. Maybe you can say “Te amo” to Maradona, for instance.

Thus, “I love you” is a way of expressing affection, showing that you care about someone. In a grammatical sense, it’s composed of a subject (“I”), a verb (“love”) and an indirect object (“you”). In Spanish, that would be “Yo te amo” or “Yo te quiero”. If all of this is clear, just keep on reading the next paragraph where we’ll respond Does Mi Amor mean I love you?

Mi Amor and I love you: inseparable friends

Do you know what a vocative is? Yeah, we know you can be provocative sometimes…but a vocative? Have you read it somewhere? We use them all the time without any warning. They are words at the beginning of a sentence, more commonly used to call someone or evoke something. If we’re calling someone, like “Hey you, come over here!”, that particle “Hey you” is the vocative. The vocative provocative. Yeah, pun intended, amigues.

Many wonderful songs and poems use vocatives and they’re so romantic! Like “Hey, that’s no way to say goodbye” (hand me a Kleenex, please). Sometimes calling someone is not that romantic (for example, when a boss is criticising you), nevertheless, let’s stick with the romantic mood. I like it, mean, LOVE IT this way. 

So, Does Mi Amor mean I love you?

One of the vocatives we can use is “My love”, like the song by Bob Dylan that goes “My love, she speaks like silence”. In Spanish that would be “Mi Amor”. When we say “Mi Amor”, we’re talking you, that special someone in our hearts. We mean that we all the love and the drama that we embrace in our soap operas, or in songs like “Oye mi amor” or “Ven conmigo”. So don’t be shy and say “Mi Amor” to the people you love. You can say: “Mi Amor, I love you!” or “Mi Amor, te amo!” and be the cutest Latin lover in the world.

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

- Rich