Welcome to a new adventure, Spanish speaking lovers! Today we’ll learn how to say Happy New Year in Spanish! Are you ready? Brace yourselves, it’s gonna be fun!

Happy New Year: talking about wishes
Starting a new year is always something intriguing. We don’t know how the future is going to be, what we are going to do. I mean, yeah, for sure, we have certain expectations or continuities but life is a surprise. We don’t know for certain everything in advance and that, somehow, is good. Why? Well, because it allows us to add some spice to our routines. Something unexpected happens, like love for example and it twists our way. Besides, if we knew everything from the day we were born, wouldn’t that be absolutely boring? For me, yes, 100% sure. I’d rather be afraid of the unknown than tired of the same old thing. Maybe not afraid, but eager to know what the next step would look like, how everything will turn… That’s thrilling!
Anyways, making a balance of the gone year and thinking of the next one is based, again for me, on one premise: wishes. What do you wish for? A wish is like a quest, right? We wish for something we are looking for. What can that be? Are you looking for a new job? Directions in your life? Maybe travelling? Write all that down and make a wish list. Who knows, maybe you end up in the most unpredictable scenario and all thanks to your lucky stars. Grab that sheet and make your life happen!

Happy New Year in Spanish, your best lesson
One of the wishes for this upcoming year could be learning Spanish. Also, wishing it in that language can make it more familiar, what do you think? So let’s wish a Happy New Year in Spanish, shall we?
The most traditional way of saying it is “¡Feliz Año Nuevo!”. I found it funny that some say “Felisa me muero”, which means “Felisa I’m dying”, but since the phrase is phonetically similar to “Feliz Año Nuevo” some use it as a joke. No, no one is actually dying, take it easy. In a more general tone, you can wish “¡Felices fiestas!” (Happy Holidays!) to everyone and no one gets mad because it includes every festivity of the year.

How to say Happy New Year in Spanish (FAQ)
- How to say Happy New Year in Spanish?
In Spanish we wish you Happy New Year like this: “¡Feliz Año Nuevo!”.
- How do you say Best wishes and Live long and prosper in Spanish?
In Spanish we say “Que se cumplan todos tus deseos” and “Que tengas una vida larga y próspera”.
- How to say Happy holidays in Spanish?
Happy holidays in Spanish is “¡Felices Fiestas!”.

Learning Spanish Online
¡Feliz Año Nuevo, amigues! Ready to start the new year with more fulfillments than ever? Try our free Spanish lessons at Wanderlust Spanish Online and follow us on social media. We host Tuesdays of Spanish grammar on Instagram, fellas! Can’t miss them!