Hola, amores! Today in this article we’ll learn how to say to in Spanish. Do you know? Here we go then, it’s a thrilling adventure!
How To Say Anything In Spanish
First of all, remember fellas that speaking and learning any language is not an obvious or easy thing to do. Like all the things in our lives, it takes our precious time. Are you willing to spend time with Spanish? If the answer is yes, please don’t lose your temper and read these lines, just for you.
You can learn this language from a wide range of topics: conversations, movies, songs… Thoroughly they blend into your mind and give you a new perspective on language and culture. So before moving on to the next thing, keep in mind that translation can sometimes be tricky and it isn’t always clear as a mirror. Beware of this! Now that you know, read the next paragraph and learn more!

Using To in Spanish: a quick guide
Alright amigues, this is a quick guide for using to in Spanish. Shall we begin? Let’s go!
- Using “to” as “a”
“A” is a very common preposition in Spanish, let’s see its usage. For example, if you’re going to travel (“Voy a ir a Buenos Aires” / I am going to go to Buenos Aires), you use “to” as “a”. Easy, right? It literally means a movement from one place to another. Nevertheless, we use “a” as a preposition for indirect objects, like here: “Llamé a la abuela” (I called grandma). In English, we don’t need a preposition before the object, but in Spanish we do, to distinguish it from the direct object.
- “To” as “hacia”
Again, another preposition. If you move one object to another place or if you’re giving directions, you will use “hacia”. For instance: “Giro hacia la izquierda” (I turn to the left).
- “To” as “para”
Imagine that you write a letter to someone or you are making a present to someone, you will say “para”, i.e.: “From me to you” (De mí para vos / tú).
- Using “to” as “hasta”
-How long are you staying there?
-To the end of the week.
-¿Cuánto tiempo te quedás allá?
-Hasta el fin de la semana.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Is there just one way to say “to” in Spanish?
Actually, no. Whereas in English we use “to” as a wildcard and anything goes. However in Spanish, it depends entirely on the context we’re employing that word. For instance, it is not the same to say “Voy a ir a París” (I am going to go to Paris) than “Voy a ir para París” (the translation is the same, but “a” and “para” are different prepositions and therefore, have different meanings.
- What does “to” in Spanish mean?
“To” is a preposition that can be used in a variety of ways: “a”, “hasta”, “para”, “hacia”, “de”, “desde” and they all have their own rules and meanings.
Learn Spanish Online
Finally, the best opportunity for you to learn Spanish online: our free lessons at Wanderlust Spanish Online. Also, if you’re in the mood of Spanish grammar, check our Instagram account! You’re gonna love it, amigues!