San Telmo Market

Market San telmo

The covered market of San Telmo, a labyrinth of flavours

The Mercado de San Telmo is one of the must-see places in the city. It is very old (over a hundred years old) and old stalls coexist with modern stalls. Typical Buenos Aires meals, with meals from other places in Latin America. Antique stalls with food stalls. So, you cannot miss this place if you are planning to travel to Buenos Aires. In addition, there are no longer as many markets as this one in the city. Because it is a relic and it is one of the few that maintains the market structure.

A little history


It was built in 1897 by the architect Juan Antonio Buschiazzo. In addition to eating, you can practice your Spanish, talk to the different antique sellers. They have many stories to tell. And if you want to know more about architecture in Buenos Aires, read this post


The Market is located very close to Plaza Defensa. So, if you are not staying in San Telmo, you can, in addition to visiting the market, have a drink in the surrounding bars. Anyway, we recommend going to San Telmo more than once, since it is a colonial neighborhood and offers a lot to see. The buildings are old and reflect how one lived in the city a hundred years ago. The name of these constructions is conventillos: large houses with several rooms, in the manner of today’s hostels. Actually, many of them now are hostels.

About choripan in San Telmo Market

If you eat meat, it is an excellent opportunity to take the famous picture. You eating a choripán in the Market while enjoying an excellent wine or a very fresh beer. So, I guess you know what a choripán is, but in case you don’t know, here it goes. The choripán is a roasted chorizo ​​sandwich, commonly flavored with spices. The classic is eaten alone, or with a little chimichurri

Chimichurri is a sauce of liquid consistency, highly seasoned. Their main ingredients are parsley, oregano, garlic, vinegar, oil, and ground chili. Or a little salsa criolla. This is the common name for a simple preparation in the form of sauce or culinary marinade, widely spread in Latin America. Due to its simplicity and economy of ingredients, it could be found in other cultures with different names and variants. But recently, many places are making this dish more deli, offering different types of bread and different sauces.

San Telmo Fair


The San Telmo Fair, located a few blocks from the Market, was inaugurated in September 1970. The Fair opened with 30 stalls, which were the stalls that the Municipality had for Free Trade Shows, open-air fairs. They had an iron frame with a gray canvas roof, that’s how it started.

The neighborhood

But San Telmo is not just another neighborhood. There are those who speak of the Republic of San Telmo as if it were a separate country within Argentina. Objects that can be found wandering around the stalls are books, miniatures, ceramics, stickers, decorations. Also, household items, as well as vintage clothing and hats typical of clothing from other years.

But the site also offers the possibility of rarer and more unique objects. For example, vitrolas, old telephones, phonographs and recorders, cameras, and collectibles. It also has an interesting offer of musical boxes and old notes and coins.

Paris in Buenos Aires?

If Buenos Aires has a Parisian air, it is not only due to the parks and avenues of Recoleta. A kind of Montmartre usually appears in the historic center. It is the Plaza Dorrego, famous for the fair that it hosts every Sunday. The fair surprises with its display of jewelry, metals, paintings, ornaments, and objects that no longer work but are still moving. An unforgettable and unforgettable ride.

The Fair receives about 20 thousand visitors every Sunday, with a high percentage of tourists. The San Pedro Telmo Fair is a place of excitement and joviality. A meeting place full of curiosities, history, and portraits of other times in the center of our great city.
Over the years, it became more professional, until it became the second most important Antiques Sales Fair in the World. And the first in importance in Latin America.

Every Sunday

The fair has more than 230 Posts. They allow us to know and appreciate fine and curious objects that were used and lucid by our predecessors.
The Fair works every Sunday, uninterruptedly, from its opening, including some December 25 that have fallen on Sunday. Very special cases such as the elections have been the only dates that the Fair did not open its Stalls.

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Wanderlust was my second home during my 5 months living in Buenos Aires. I got to know Argentina through this amazing school and experiences while studying with my professor, Vicky.

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