Hola students! Today we’ll learn together Spanish songs for kids! Take a trip down memory lane and prepare yourselves to cry a little bit!
Remembering songs for kids
Do you remember your childhood? Like those special moments where your parents taught you a song? When I was a child, my mother sang me some songs that made me want to go to bed, right away. They weren’t lullabies, they were songs well crafted for children. I love that genre because there are some songs that remind me of those days, right? Or sometimes they make me sleepy, I won’t lie to you.
Anyways, I thought of some songs that you may want to listen to. Maybe you have a new born nephew or a little kid of your own and want to get them acquainted with the enriching sounds of Spanish languages. What is better than a song? So, in the next lines you’ll see some all time classics and some fun facts about Spanish songs for kids. Keep on reading, fellas!

Spanish songs for kids: a quick guide
- First of all, this short list has a must: María Elena Walsh. She was a songwriter, writer, sweet and hilarious lady who devoted her life to making the world a better place. That’s the reason why we start this playlist with her. My mother used to sing me when I was a child “Canción del jacarandá” (Jacarandá’s song). This three, when it blooms, has beautiful lilac and violet flowers and you can find it anywhere in Argentina. Its colours and its size make me feel protected, like no one could do me any harm. That is my favourite song by her, but I suggest checking other amazing ones like “La reina batata” (all perfectly rhymed!), “El twist del mono liso”, “El reino del revés”, “Manuelita” and so much more!
- Well, this is very very classic among every Spanish speaking baby. Or eldest, like myself. I think the song has no particular title but it goes like this: “Arroró mi niño, arroró mi sol, duérmete pedazo de mi corazón…” and then I don’t remember the rest of it because it works like a charm: I fall asleep immediately.
- I can’t stop listening to this song: “Del camino lo que vi” (What I saw from the way) by Dúo Karma. It’s brand new, almost, and what it’s really hypnotic is the sounds the make while they are naming what they’re seeing while traveling. Besides, the video is colorful and cute!
- Federico García Lorca, the great Spanish writer and playwright, thought a lot about “nanas” (lullabies) and even wrote some of his own! In this record, La Argentinita sings “Nana de Sevilla”, that narrates the life of a little poor kid in Sevilla. Of course, everything is beautifully rhymed and there are tons of versions on the Internet.
Learn Spanish Online
Now that you know all about Spanish songs for kids, why don’t you try our free Spanish lessons at Wanderlust? You can check our Instagram where we host Thursdays of Latin American culture. You will love it for sure, amigues!